Its now only 5 days till Christmas, and I'm sorry to say that I haven't sent out any cards yet. I REALLY wanted to get a cute picture of the girls. I tried and failed. Either one wasn't smiling, or they both were and it was out of focus. Then the crankiness set in. Plus, Ron any my self have been having health "issues". Nothing life threatening, but definetly slowing us down. Please accept our apologizes and know you are all thought of, prayed for, and loved this Christmas.
Here is one of the pictures I took, I know it looks ok, but on paper you would wonder if you needed glasses.
"Great little One! Whose all-embracing birth lifts Earth to Heaven, and stoops Heaven to Earth."
~ Richard Crashaw
This is a beautiful picture!! :)
Happy holidays!!
The Lupfers
I see quite a bit of Ron in little miss Sophia!
I can't believe how much they've grown since we saw them last!!
Miss you guys!!
PS: when are you coming to VA??!!
Love it, my precious girls, ( Mom is included in there too ;). Seeing it on line is just as good and lasts longer then the Christmas card anyway... which always winds up getting stored at the end of the year only to resurface when the kids are having kids of their own. So it works out great. Love you bunches. VERY Merry Christmas too you. We're still praying for you and we still miss you too. HUGS!
Love the picture of my beautiful granddaughters. Kris, this is really a great idea maybe I should send a picture of us ha ha . Anyway you did good. Can't wait to see you guys on Monday yeaaaa !
Love You Mom
I hope you both are alright...and Happy Holidays to my favorite family west of the Mississippi!
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