I think Sonja is getting what Easter really means. We asked her to tell the about Jesus on Easter. She said, " Bad man took Jesus even though he was good. They gave him owies and put him up on a tree. Jesus died. They put him in a cave, and then God made him alive." Can anyone think of a better way of telling this truth?
Sonja and Her best friend Zoe at church.
Thanks for those pictures Kris. The girls look simply beautiful. As for that guy with his tongue sticking out......
Lov ya all, Dad.
It takes a real man to wear pink.
No better message then that Sonja girl. MAN those kids are gorgeous, where on earth did they get it?! ;) Speaking of, love the color of your shirt Ron, no sarcasm here, you can really work the pink, wear it more often! But where's a pic of MOM! I'm sure she looked fabulous on Easter too... how come we don't see her?
Mom is taking the pictures, I was too busy cooking to be taking shots.
Ham - scour, cover with dijon mustard, crushed ginger snaps. Then heavily spray is with some Jack Daniels. Good stuff.
cool blog
See you in these things, I think, I started feeling good!
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