Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our new Puppy!

Yes, we got a new puppy. No, we don't need our heads CAT scanned. His name is Hiro (hero). He's an Akita-Mastiff mix. Akita's are a breed from Japan, and Hiro means "strength". He's about 17 weeks old, and pretty much house broken, and loves the kids. Toby, Bryce, and Hiro get along great. We wanted to get Toby a new friend before the day comes that Bryce isn't with us any more (he's almost 13). Ron calls him Yoda Dog, can you see why?

Friday, January 02, 2009

Number 3!!

It's been along while since the last post, but we've been waiting for something good.

There's number 3. A week before we found out, Sonja told us that she asked Jesus in her heart for a baby brother. We both said 'Aw cute' and left it at that. A week later we had a positive test, and today we had ultrasound confirmation. We should be able to find out if it's a boy in March. If it is, we're going to start having Sonja write down lotto numbers.