Thursday, January 10, 2008

Interviews going well

I've had a few good interviews, signed one contingency offer (these are offers that depend on certain factors, ie the company gaining the job position) and I have a number of people within the agency trying to jump through their respective HR hoops in order to get me hired (before anyone else does I imagine). So in the end, I may be in a situation where it's not just 'take the first job coming' but choose the best job presented.

Also, as a side note, Network Security people (like me) are weird. I was interviewing with some folks today (good people) who are in net security. We have our own language, we laugh at things I don't think most people would find funny. We're synical, salty, frustrated, but in the end, we are just passionate about what we do. And it's great to meet and talk with people (even if it's supposed to be a high pressure interview, felt more like we were talking over beers) that share the passion that you do. There's hope for crazy security types.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated. It appears that things are going well with the job search. It's got to be a nice feeling to have companies vying for you and your talents.
Dad Robbins